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Benefits of frameworks

The benefits of frameworks can be summarized as follows:

The last point is worth emphasizing. Frameworks can permit a high level of integration among multiple customizations. Much as individual objects hide their internal complexity and present a simplified interface for use by other objects, frameworks allow programmers to take advantage of preassembled complex relationships among objects without necessarily having to understand all the details of those relationships. Frameworks are designed to be subclassed and used by many programs at the same time in a way that allows programs to share common behavior without interfering with each other's specialized implementations.

This contrasts with class libraries, which are generally designed for use by one program at a time. Because they share the same underlying code, framework-derived programs work together reliably even though their designers don't know each other and may customize the framework in very different ways.

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Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Copyright©1995 by Sean Cotter and Taligent,Inc. All rights reserved.