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J2PrinterWorks Release Notes (last
revised: 3/6/09) |
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J2PrinterWorks customers covered by Annual
can upgrade to the latest J2PrinterWorks release free of charge.
Please view the
latest J2PrinterWorks release notes which are
maintained on the Wildcrest Associates web site to find out what is the
most current release available. You can double-click
your copy of J2PrinterWorks.jar to find out the version you have now.
To download the latest release, please visit the J2PrinterWorks
product download page and enter your product serial
Items closed prior to the current release shown in green
Items closed in the current release shown in blue
Items still open
(or deferred) in the current release shown in
J2PrinterWorks 5.0 release date: March 6, 2009
New Features in
J2PrinterWorks 5.0:
1) Add drop shadow to print preview dialog page images and
drop shadow option in getPageImage methods.
New in 5.0
2) Expand J2Printer14
methods for setting and getting printer attributes. New in 5.0
3) Add option
to allow print preview dialog to use current application look and feel. New in 5.0
4) Add sample programs with
source code for SimplePrintDialog, TabbedPrintDialog, and PrintPlusPreviewDialog.
New in 5.0
5) Add sample programs
with source code for SimplePageSetupDialog and TabbedPageSetupDialog. New in 5.0
6) Add sample programs with
source code for SimplePrintPreviewDialog and FullPrintPreviewDialog.
New in 5.0
7) Add
J2Printer.dispose() method to assist garbage collection if printing with new
J2Printer instance each time. New in
8) Add J2PrinterWebStartTest build project for Mac and build instructions for Windows. New in
9) Drop Text
Edition and Table Edition, simplify registration code processing and pricing.
New in 5.0
Known problems in
J2PrinterWorks 4.7:
1) Various Unicode 16-bit
characters missing when using printToPDF().
Fixed in 5.0
2) N-up printing throws
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on last page when setDebug(true). Fixed in
3) Print preview button highlighting color wrong on Mac in cross-platform mode.
Fixed in 5.0
4) J2PanelPrinterGraphicsTest sample application doesn't exit properly.
Fixed in 5.0
5) J2Printer14CrossPlatformTest sample application printer settings corrupted after printing.
Fixed in 5.0
6) J2ComponentPrinter ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when change portrait to landscape for some components.
Fixed in 5.0
7) J2TextPrinter sometimes leaves stray pixels after last line on Mac.
Fixed in 5.0
8) J2Printer14 can throw IllegalArgumentException when PrintAttributeRequestSet specified without an orientation.
Fixed in 5.0
9) Button text labels cut off and spacing insufficient in some sample program dialogs on Mac.
Fixed in 5.0
10) J2TextPrinterTestApplication method for synchronous loading of HTML pages doesn't always work.
Fixed in 5.0
11) Cross-platform page setup dialog margins drift after repeated calls (workaround for Java bug).
Fixed in 5.0
12) J2TextPrinterTestApplication font menu doesn't update correctly when clicking on text. Fixed in 5.0
13) Default center footer always English, does not update for other locales. Fixed in 5.0
J2PrinterPDFTest and J2Printer14PSTest sample applications print the
previous HTML file after a new HTML file is read in. Fixed in 5.0
J2ListPrinter fails to print bottom Border of JList if present. Fixed in 5.0
J2ListPrinter clips last pixel of font descenders on Mac. Fixed in 5.0
J2PrinterWorks 4.7 release date: October 15,
Known problems in
J2PrinterWorks 4.6:
1) NullPointerException if
JTable has a RowHeader which is itself a JTable that lacks its own TableHeader.
Fixed in 4.7
2) Throws
HeadlessException when printing with J2PanelPrinter in headless mode. Fixed in 4.7
J2PrinterWorks 4.6 release date: December 5,
Known problems in
J2PrinterWorks 4.5:
1) J2TextPrinter
clone methods are declared static so can't be overridden, now no longer static
and can be overridden. Fixed in 4.6
2) Add setHTMLEditorKit method to J2TextPrinter to allow
use of a custom HTMLEditorKit. Fixed in 4.6
3) Add setPrintPreviewIconImage method for changing icon
in upper left corner of PrintPreviewDialog (requires JDK 1.6 or later). Fixed in
4) ArrayIndexOutOfBounds can occur under BREAK_ON_COLOR in
J2TablePrinter and J2ComponentPrinter if components not displayed. Fixed in
5) Add .png support to
J2PanelPrinterImageApplication sample application. Fixed in
6) Need to fire events so
program can detect when user hits "OK" or "cancel" in page setup dialog.
Fixed in
7) "Print" button in
print preview dialog comes up as selected under JDK 1.6. Fixed in
8) "Close" button in
print preview dialog left selected after first close under JDK 1.5 and previous
. Fixed in
9) In J2PanelPrinter and
J2ComponentPrinter, BREAK_ON_COMPONENTS doesn't work if no layout gap between
components. Fixed in 4.6
10) Need option in printToHTML to generate a single HTML
file instead of a slide show. Fixed in 4.6
J2PrinterWorks 4.5
date: April 9, 2007
J2PrinterWorks 4.4
date: October 30, 2006
problems in J2PrinterWorks 4.2:
1) printPDFFile should honor
setPrintingDialogUsed(boolean). Fixed
in 4.3
2) printPDFFile doesn't work if setPrinter
called for printer with embedded spaces in name.
Fixed in 4.3
3) displayPDFFile under J2Printer14
produces spurious "file not found" message (even
though file opens). Fixed
in 4.3
4) BOX header and footer styles not centered on text
for printToPDF under iText 1.4.x (iText 1.3.x
OK). Fixed
in 4.3
5) Header style and header font updated incorrectly when
using product jar without serial number. Fixed
in 4.3
6) ImagePanel empty constructor throws
IllegalArgumentException. Fixed
in 4.3
7) byte[] versions of printToPDF and printToPS methods
should be
synchronous. Fixed
in 4.3
8) ImagePanel forces background to white, should default to
white but use the specified background color if given. Fixed
in 4.3
9) Add option to permit printing of HTML comments. Added in
date: February 9, 2005
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 3.3:
clipped off on printers with unequal minimum margins under JDK
1.5.0. Fixed in 3.4
2) JTextPane HTML <IMG
SRC=> tags sometimes don't display, partially display, or run over
footer in print and/or print preview. Fixed in 3.4
3) makeHTMLPane shouldn't
return until JTextPane is
really ready (e.g. if HTML uses IMG from over a network). Fixed in 3.4
4) Can't print from
print preview under JDK 1.5.0 using cross platform
dialogs with separate thread false. Fixed in 3.4
5) Cross-platform print
and page setup dialogs come up very slow the first time. Java bug, delay reduced in
6) Show busy cursor when
invoking page setup and print dialogs from print preview. Fixed in 3.4
7) Leave print preview
open when invoking print dialog, leave open if "cancel", optionally leave
open if "OK". Fixed in 3.4
8) NullPointerException if
setPrintPreviewTwoPageDisplay(true) but only have one page.
Fixed in 3.4
9) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if
setPrintPreviewPageNumber to page number outside current range.
Fixed in 3.4
10) J2TablePrinterTestApplication
doesn't change number of row headers after "New directory" command.
Fixed in 3.4
11) Add "Locale" menu sample code to
Fixed in 3.4
12) Broken layout in J2TreePrinterTestApplication
detailed page setup dialog.
Fixed in 3.4
13) Formatting error in Swedish
localization (J2Printer_sv.properties).
Fixed in 3.4
date: September 30, 2004
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 3.2:
1) Header box height
not adjusted to fit large left headers (center and right headers and
all footers OK). Fixed in 3.3
2) J2Printer.cancelPrinting()
method doesn't work for separate thread printing. Fixed in 3.3
3) PrinterExceptions
should be caught and an "exception" print event fired. Fixed in 3.3
4) Under JDK 1.3.1,
J2TextPrinter can throw BadLocationException if Flowable starts with
newline at top of page. Fixed in 3.3
5) Doesn't handle
landscape default printer page orientation. Fixed in 3.3 (JDK 1.4 or
later only)
6) On Mac,
J2Printer14PrinterSelectionTest returns no printers.
Fixed in 3.3
7) Under Mac JDK 1.3.1,
printing a single Pageable with "Pages: All" doesn't terminate. Fixed in 3.3
J2Printer14PrinterSelectionTest doesn't exit properly on window close. Fixed in 3.3
9) Need to support Swedish
locale. Fixed in 3.3
10) JTable row headers
print shifted if table is partially scrolled. Fixed in 3.3
date: April 21, 2004
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 3.1:
1) Print Preview page
number and scale factor fields too narrow for non-Metal Look &
Feel. Fixed in
2) Print Preview scale
factor should max out at 400% when typed in (same as zoom-in button).
Fixed in 3.2
3) Some Print Preview
tooltips have extra quotes and semi-colons.
Regression in 3.1, fixed
in 3.2
4) Translation
corrected in German localization (J2Printer_de.properties).
Fixed in 3.2
5) Programs won't exit
on main window close if printing non-displayed components.
Workaround: call e.g.
textPrinter.dispose() after
Code in J2PanelPrinter documentation regarding non-GUI printing
is incorrect.
Fixed in 3.2
7) Add VerticalGap "test gap" feature to force
pagination if too little space left on page ("widow" control).
Added in 3.2
8) Print to PDF doesn't
work under JDK 1.5.
Removed, Sun did not
support in JDK
1.5, workaround sample code in J2Printer14 documentation
9) Zero-size components
cause page eject (as Flowable) or blank page (as Pageable) instead of
doing nothing.
Fixed in 3.2
J2PrinterWorks 3.1 release
date: February 3, 2004
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 3.0:
1) J2PrinterWorksApplet
and J2Printer14Applet still using 2.2 J2PrinterWorks.jar. Fixed in
2) Make J2Printer.getVersion()
static so it's callable without instantiating. Fixed in
3) Horizontal centering of J2PanelPrinter
SHRINK_TO_WIDTH mode (if narrower than page) not working. Fixed in
4) JTextPane.setFont() setting shows up
in display
but not in printout. Fixed in
5) JTextArea line wrap properties ignored
when printing (unless using direct print). Fixed in
6) Print Preview reading of non-English
locale properties files broken. Fixed in
7) Need to support Japanese locale.
Fixed in
8) Need to support localization of Print
Preview title bar. Fixed in
9) Need method for
localizing Print Preview dialog strings programmatically. Fixed in
10) Fix drawing of Javadoc inheritance
Fixed in
J2PrinterWorks 3.0
release date:
November 10, 2003
pair) in same header or footer.
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 2.1c:
1) ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if
J2TablePrinter.setPrintArea with first row or first column past end of
table. Fixed in 2.2
2) Events for "printing" and "pageBeingPrinted"
not working under J2Printer14 (OK in J2Printer). Fixed
3) Add getVersion() method to return
J2PrinterWorks version number. Fixed in 2.2
4) Add missing J2Pageable.setPageFormat(PageFormat)
method. Fixed in 2.2
5) Add dispose() method to J2Pageable
and its subclasses for explicitly releasing held resources. Fixed
6) Add hideImagingFrame() to J2TextPrinter to get rid
of frame created to handle embedded components. Fixed
7) Improve CloningException diagnostic messages. Fixed
8) Make J2TextPrinterTestApplication insert JPanel
serializable so cloning works and display doesn't disappear. Fixed
9) All PrinterExceptions now rethrown as
RuntimeExceptions so they can (optionally) be caught. Fixed
J2PrinterWorks 2.1c release
date: February 3, 2003
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 2.1:
1) J2TablePrinter "Flowable Unable to Make
Progress" error when JTable cell taller or wider than a page. Fixed
in 2.1a
2) More sample apps fixed to
work on Mac and Unix (problems due to Windows path names). Fixed in 2.1a
3) Mac OS X uses full page coordinates, not printable
area coordinates. Fixed in 2.1a
4) Fix Print Preview Dialog shift when page
orientation changes on Mac OS X. Fixed in 2.1a
5) Mac JDK 1.4.1 hangs on separate print thread printing due to error
in synchronization lock. Fixed
in 2.1a
6) Need to document workarounds for JTable custom Look
& Feel printing problems (Kunststoff, Mac, etc.).
Fixed in 2.1a
2.1 release date:
October 7, 2002
J2PrinterWorks 2.0b Feature
1) Package sample applications as double-clickable jars. Added in 2.1
2) Provide for optional single
line border around J2TextPrinter. Added in 2.1
3) Support Java Border in
J2TextPrinter, J2TablePrinter, J2TreePrinter, and J2PanelPrinter. Added in 2.1
4) Support Java Border in ImagePanel. Added in 2.1
5) Print preview
dialog should not exceed screen size (+ room for Windows task
bar). Added
in 2.1
6) Allow serial number to be set in J2Printer
constructor. Added in 2.1
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 2.0b:
1) J2TreePrinter
duplicates last row of page at top of next page.
in 2.1
2) Changing orientation or margins in cross-platform
print dialog doesn't work the first time.
Fixed in 2.1
3) Icons missing and JTrees empty for sample apps on Mac (due to
Windows path names). Fixed in 2.1
4) Can't turn outline off in
J2PrintToImageTest sample application. Fixed in 2.1
5) Unsigned applets put up 3 "Confirmation Needed" dialogs on first
print. Fixed in
2.1 (now 2, Java won't do less)
6) Cross-platform print dialog always displays "Pages 1 of 1". Java bug, logged with Sun,
workaround in FAQ
7) Print preview comes up empty for applets under
Netscape 7.0 (prints OK). Bug in Java Plug-in JDK 1.4, fixed in 1.4.1
8) Doesn't work under Java Web Start (unless application is
in 3.0
2.0b release date:
September 4, 2002
J2PrinterWorks 2.0a release date: August 8, 2002
========================================================================J2PrinterWorks 2.0 Final release date: July 3, 2002
No problems reported in 2.0 beta 4
J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 4 (release
candidate) release date: June 24,
J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 3 feature requests:
1) Add "printPreviewClosed" event. Added in beta 4
2) Add ImagePanel setImage and setScale
Added in beta 4
3) Need option to make getBufferedImage reuse previous
Image memory. Added in beta 4, now called
4) Need sample printing
Added in beta
5) Zoom in/out PrintPreviewDialog. Added in 3.0
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 3:
1) J2TextPrinter that starts with an HTML table has its
top border clipped. Fixed in beta 4
2) Performance
under setSeparatePrintThread(true) not as good as
it was for 1.3 components. Fixed in
beta 4
3) Need to localize the default centerFooter ("Page
###") the same was as for PrintPreviewDialog. Fixed in
beta 4
4) Images in sample applications do not load if
application and images packaged together in a .jar. Fixed in beta 4
5) Print preview dialog does too much flashing
on portrait to landscape changes. Fixed in beta 4
6) Under JDK 1.4, main window stays in back after page setup or print
dialog. Bug Parade #4514422, workaround in sample apps
7) Number of pages not
recalculated after page setup is called from print preview dialog. Fixed in beta 4
8) J2TextPrinter prints one blank page rather than no
page for an empty
JTextPane. Fixed in beta 4
9) In cross-platform print dialog, page setup
tab does not reflect the values from the regular page setup dialog.
Fixed in beta 4
10) In J2TreePrinter, JavaBean icon also displays at run-time instead
of just design-time. Fixed in
beta 4
J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 3 release date: May 15, 2002
========================================================================J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 2 feature requests:
1) Add getBufferedImage(pageNum) to "print" a page to
an Image + saveBufferedImageToJPEG.
Added in beta 3
2) Add a prepareRenderer method to J2TablePrinter for
off-screen JTable with custom TableCellRenderer. Added in beta 3
3) J2TextPrinter should shrink-to-fit to one page wide
to handle wide
HTML docs. Added in beta 4
4) Side-by-side (2 column
and wrap around)
Defer to future release
5) Support for PDF printing.
Added in 4.0
6) makeHTMLPane shouldn't return until JTextPane is
really ready (e.g. if HTML uses IMG from over a network). Fixed in 3.4
7) Sample program Detailed Page Setup dialogs need to support JLabel
(not just String) headers/footers. Added in beta 3
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 2:
1) After invoking PageSetup from PrintPreviewDialog,
only Thank You page is shown when PrintPreviewDialog updates. Fixed in beta 3
2) Rows clipped from end of table if using variable row
heights and a custom TableCellRenderer.
Fixed in beta 3
3) StylepadPrinter demo only runs under JDK
1.4. Fixed in beta 3
4) Progress report in demo programs says "Printing 1 of
n" where n doesn't include Thank You page. Fixed in beta 3
5) Documentation errors in the individual component
"Using as JavaBeans
components" sections. Fixed in
beta 3
6) In product-enabled release, right header prints in
center header position. Fixed in beta 3
7) Print preview uses lots of memory and doesn't
release it (similar memory problems in printing?). Fixed (we think) in beta 3
8) J2TextPrinter sometimes prints erroneous "Flowable
unable to
make progress" error messages. Fixed in beta 4
9) J2TextPrinter sometimes clips right end of long
lines. Appears to be Java Bug
Parade #4352983
10) JTextPane bold, italic, or underlined words print
shifted left or right depending on preceding characters. JTextPane bug, reported to Sun
J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 2
release date: April 30, 2002
J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 1 feature requests:
1) Need ability to display Page Setup dialog for
individual Pageables, not just overall J2Printer values. Added in beta 2
2) Print stack
trace for caught printing exceptions. Added
in beta 2
3) Allow intermixing of JDK 1.4 PrintRequestAttributes
and J2Printer
print options. Added in beta 2
4) Internationalization for more locales. Added in beta 2 (German, Italian, Spanish, and Dutch)
5) Subclassable PrintPreviewDialog or reusable
PrintPreviewPanel. Added in beta 3 (getBufferedImage)
6) Provide solution for JLabel clipping bug (Java Bug
Parade #4352983). Workaround
documented in beta 3
7) Per-Flowable scaling within a J2FlowPrinter. Added
in 3.0
8) Top-of-page
white space elimination in J2TextPrinter.
Defer to future release
9) J2TextPrinter "widow" support (keep next n lines
together on
page or support <nobr>...</nobr>). Added in 3.2 (use
VerticalGap test gap)
10) Make PrintProgressListener an official class, not
just sample code. Added in 3.0
11) Add "Go to
page #" feature and First/Last Page to PrintPreviewDialog. Added in 3.0
12) Two-page PrintPreviewDialog. Added
in 3.0
Known problems in J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 1:
1) J2TablePrinter setPrintArea(Rectangle) method
missing. Fixed in beta 2
2) Some set/getHorizontalAlignment,
set/getVerticalAlignment method names misspelled. Fixed in beta 2
3) J2TablePrinter setOutsideLines method declared
"deprecated" but shouldn't be. Fixed in
beta 2
4) Internationalization support in print preview dialog
broken. Fixed in beta 2
5) JDK 1.4 cross-platform dialogs don't display
correctly. Fixed in beta 2
6) Shorten default headers.
Fixed in beta 2
7) Thank You page doesn't fit on small portrait pages. Fixed in beta 2
8) J2Printer bean icon should be visible at design time
but invisible at run-time. Fixed in
beta 3
9) BeanInfo classes not in synch with actual
properties. Fixed in beta 3
10) Top edge of header box sometimes clipped under
minimum margin settings. Fixed in beta 3
11) JTextPane line spacing paragraph attribute doesn't
work. Bug Parade #4242645, fixed in JDK
1.4.1, documented in beta 3
J2PrinterWorks 2.0 beta 1 release date: April 8, 2002
Previous Wildcrest Associates printing products
J2TablePrinter - Java 2 (JDK 1.2 or later) JTable printing
Version 1.3 - 10/03/01
Version 1.2 - 5/24/00
Version 1.1 - 4/21/00
Version 1.0 - 12/16/99
J2TextPrinter - Java 2 (JDK 1.2 or later) JTextPane printing
Version 1.3 - 10/10/01
Version 1.2 - 5/24/00
Version 1.1 - 5/5/00
Version 1.0 - 10/11/99
JTextPrinter - JDK 1.1.x + Swing JTextPane printing
Version 1.0 - 5/5/99
TextPrinter - JDK 1.1.x AWT TextArea printing
Version 1.3.1 - 9/22/99
Version 1.3 - 6/1/99
Version 1.2.1 - 10/20/98
Version 1.2 -
Version 1.1 - 5/4/98
Version 1.0.1 - 4/3/98
Version 1.0 - 3/31/98